eCommerce Logistics

Returns Management- Cross Border

Complete Reverse Logistics Management Services
eCommerce Reverse Logistics Management

Program Overview

Returns USA is the name of the program we created for our Cross Border Returns Management Services under Brandnexity Logistics.

Merchandise returns are an issue with every eCommerce business. However, Cross Border eCommerce businesses face even steeper challenges. Without a physical address in the US, Returns Management becomes a serious topic. Choosing the the best returns policy and the process of how returns are managed can be a daunting task; even for the experienced seller.

We partner with companies like Vinculum around the globe to help us navigate the obstacles that come with doing business abroad. These partnerships enable us to reach clients all over the world, and help bridge the gap of language and culture. They also offer products and services that supplement our offerings; bringing even more total solutions to our clients.

We put some plans together to address the problems that sellers of all types have with the all too painful world of cross border eCommerce returns. Like all of our plans, we can customize upon request for volume customers.

Returns USA Plan Options

Choose from 3 Plans:

$49/mo + $3.50/Return
Basic Plan

For businesses that have less than 100 returns per month. Includes USA Mailbox, customized landing page, and 15 days of free storage

$99/mo + $3.00/Return
Growing Plan

Our most popular plan. For businesses that have 100 to 300 returns per month. Includes USA mailbox, customized landing page, and 30 days of free storage.

$179/mo + $2.75/Return
Business Plan

For businesses that have more than 300 returns per month but less than 600. Includes USA mailbox. customized landing page, and 60 days of free storage with discounted long term rates.
eCommerce Reverse Logistics Management

Complimentary Services:

FBA Returns Management Service - Click Here

Click Here to see our FBA Returns Management Plan

FBA & Marketplace Prep Service - Click Here

Click Here to see our Plan for FBA and Marketplace Prep

eCommerce & Retail Fulfillment

Click Here to see our eCommerce & Retail Fulfillment Services
Return Stamp

Returns USA Plan Pricing

Basic Growing Business
$69/mo (Monthly) $129/Mo (Monthly) $229/mo (Monthly)
$49/mo (if paid Annual) $99/mo (if paid Annual) $179/mo (if paid annual)
Number of Return Transactions Per Month Up to 100 Up to 300 301+
Setup & Training (One Time Fee) $99 $199 $299
Price Per Return Package* $3.50 / Package Up To 5lbs $3.00 / Package Up To 7lbs $2.75 / Package Up To 10lbs
Overage Per Pound .25/lb .20/lb .10/lb
Returns Processing Handling Within 3 Business Days Within 2 Business Days Within 1 Business Day
Free Storage Days 15 30 60
* Shipping Not Included
Features Included in Package:
Free Mail Box Number for Cross Border Customers
Customized Return Policy for your Website / Store
Free Customized Landing Page
Rebagging Included
Re-Boxing (extra)
Relabling Included
Custom Returns Forms
Custom Branded Portal
Discounted shipping rates up to 30% off List Rate
Phone Support
Chat Support
eMail Support
Choice of available carrier
Use Your Own Carrier
Secure and Safe Storage
Local USA Retuns Line Phone Number Optional, Plus Usage Fees Optional, Plus Usage Fees Optional, Plus Usage Fees
Dedicated Email Address for Returns Optional, Plus Usage Fees Optional, Plus Usage Fees Optional, Plus Usage Fees
Additional Services:
Monthly Storage $1.15 Cubic Foot $1.05 Cubic Ft $0.95 Cubic Ft
New Fulfillment of Returned Goods * $3.15* $3.15* $3.15*
Consolidated Return Service .75/unit .60/unit .45/unit
Disposal Service .50/unit .50/unit .50/unit
Marketplace Relisting & Remarketing Service 55% of Selling Price Net of MP Fees 50% of Selling Price Net of MP Fees 45% of Selling Price Net of MP Fees
* Shipping Not Included
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