eCommerce Logistics

Returns Management Services

Complete Reverse Logistics Management Services
eCommerce Reverse Logistics Management

Services Overview

Returns Management Services under Brandnexity Logistics cover a range of needs for both domestic sellers in the USA, and international sellers targeting USA buyers.

Merchandise returns are an issue with every eCommerce business. How they are handled can determine bottom line profits in a big way. Choosing the best returns policy and plan can be a daunting task; even for the most experienced sellers. We have put together some plans to address the problems that sellers of all types have with the often painful world of eCommerce returns.

If you are an FBA seller- we created a program just for you. Have a website? No problem. Selling into the USA from another country? Also no problem. Check out one of our plans below to see how we can help your business.

FBA Returns

USA Returns

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Cross Border Returns

Delivering support, compliance and efficiency for over 20 years